Multi Clinic Management

Manage Multiple Clinics With One Unified System

Our system, MentallyGoods, is designed to handle multiple branches of your clinic from a single platform, providing you with the convenience and efficiency of managing all of your locations in one place.


300+ Projects

Multiple Clinics

Scale Your Business Easily

Add Multiple Clinics

MentallyGood allows you to add multiple clinics to your account and assign doctors to each one, enabling you to start taking appointments for all of your locations instantly. This helps streamline your appointment scheduling and management process


Role-Based Access For Every Clinic

MentallyGoods is designed to support multiple user roles, including Doctor, Clinic Admin, Receptionist, and Super Admin, allowing you to assign the appropriate level of access to each member of your team

Assign & Manage Your Medical Staff Effortlessly

With MentallyGoods, you can assign doctors to specific time slots based on their availability and manage the schedule for each clinic individually. This helps ensure that you have the right staff in place to meet the needs of your patients

Multi Clinic Appointments

MentallyGoods includes a multi-clinic management feature that allows you to take appointments for any of your clinics from the same website, providing you with a convenient and efficient way to manage all of your appointment scheduling needs.

Robust Reporting Functionalities

MentallyGoods provides a range of reports, including revenue and total patients by clinic to name
a few, which can help inform decision-making and support the overall management of your


Manage Clinic Profiles

MentallyGoods allows you to individually manage the profile for each of your clinics, including the details such as timings, addresses, and other relevant information. This helps you keep track of all of your locations and ensure that your patients have the necessary information to access care.


Save Big With Our Bundled Solution

Setting up a new clinic or just trying to save money for your existing one? Get started with an all-in-one clinic management solution

Experience the power of our EHR solution for yourself! Book a demo now and see how our system can streamline your clinic's operations and improve patient care